What is height safety compliance?
To meet the duty of care as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) it is important that safe access and fall protection systems be compliant.
To meet the duty of care as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) it is important that safe access and fall protection systems be compliant.
There are many reasons why a building may not have a compliant safe access or fall protection system. Here are the most common five our team see.
Keeping all the services and systems in your building maintained is important for safety and comfort. Having a compliant height safety system can help.
Keeping your height safety system compliant is an important part of meeting a PCBUs safety obligations. Doing so requires regular inspections be completed.
One important safe work practice is making sure your safety equipment stays in good order. Harnesses should be checked before every use.
Height Safety Engineers completed a full height safety and confined space access audit for this mines rescue station to provide safe training facilities.
Height Safety Engineers assisted providing compliant roof access across a unique curved roof to facilitate safe access for skylight maintenance
Recertifications and height safety audits both ensure your fall protection system is compliant, however there are significant differences between the two.
Learn what happens when your height safety system fails its annual recertification inspection.
Having a fall protection system on your roof does not mean your safety responsibilities are complete.
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