Completed project showcase

Height Safety Engineers are your partners in protecting regardless of your access need or fall protection needs.

Our team are the experts in putting together comprehensive, compliant and best practice safety systems for those working at heights and in other high-risk areas. Over the years, our team have solved a range of complex safe access and fall protection problems with considered safety system designs.

On this page you can explore a range of our completed projects that best showcase the expertise of the entire HSE team. These projects feature safety system design and installation for existing buildings, improvement works following recertification inspections, and designs for systems to go on newly completed buildings.

The team at HSE are always here to assist everyone from developers and architects, to builders and contractors to workers in finding the best practice ways to work safely at heights.

Roof top walkways and stairs for solar panel and plant access.

Video reels

HVAC platform and roof access system

Got a height safety question? Ask our team

Project highlights - November 2024

Project highlights - October 2024

Old Menangle School system design and installation

Research campus audit, design and installation

Warehouse roof access

Solar panel access

Access walkway

Cooling tower access

System inspection

Warehouse roof walkway

Dam access walkways

Cooling tower access

Scoreboard maintenance access

Rooftop guardrail system

Roof access

Start building a safety picture for your workplace

Download the free HSE height safety assessment toolkit and start your journey towards an increased understanding of your height safety risks and how they can be mitigated.