Warden and evacuation management skill set

In the event of an emergency at your workplace, a calm and efficient evacuation of your team is critical to ensuring everyone’s safety.

Nationally recognised training logo.

Every workplace and job site are different. Having the structures and procedures in place to respond to emergencies makes your workplace safer, and reduces the risks of injury, or worse, for your team.

Options to suit your needs

Setting up an emergency control organisation within your company involves ensuring that the team has the skills they need to execute their roles quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency, to ensure that everyone is evacuated safely.

Each role within an ECO has a different function, different obligations and requires different training. HSE has developed our warden and evacuation training courses to assist clients in better understanding the differences between roles in an ECO, but also how those roles complement each other when implemented effectively.

We encourage anyone looking to undertake a warden training course to discuss their needs with their training provider first. This will ensure they are giving their team the skills they need for the warden role they have.

Practice fire extinguishers.

Avilable training courses


PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation

Wardens can be responsible for managing the evacuation of a particular floor or area of a workplace so that it occurs in an orderly and safe manner. They also conduct searches through their designated area for workers that may have been missed during the evacuation.

This half-day course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to execute the role of warden in a workplace working as part of the emergency control organisation. This includes use of fire exits, managing evacuation of their area and conducting a roll call.

Duration:  One day (8 hours)
Student/trainer ratio: 10:1

Fire warden

PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
CPPFES2005 Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment

Fire warden training expands the wardens’ role to include undertaking first attack fire fighting using portable fire extinguishers, fire blankets, fire hose reels. Participants gain hands-on experience using a range of common fire fighting equipment.

This course provides participants with the skills to act as a fire warden in their workplace as part of the emergency control organisation. It includes theory and hands-on components including evacuating an area, using fire stairs, and providing first attack fire fighting using portable equipment.

Duration:  One day (8 hours)
Student/trainer ratio: 10:1

Chief warden

PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation

The chief warden is responsible for developing emergency response plans. In the event of a workplace incident, they assume control of the situation, prior to the arrival of emergency services. They work with wardens and fire wardens to affect the safe and timely evacuation and direct fire fighting response, if required.

This half-day course equips participants with the skills and knowledge to lead a workplace’s emergency control organisation. The course covers development and implementation of incident response plans, implementation of procedure, ensuring ongoing clear communication during an incident and management of area wardens and fire wardens.

Duration: One day (8 hours)
Student/trainer ratio: 10:1

Combined warden

PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation
CPPFES2005 Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment

This course combines all three of our warden courses into a single training unit. Successful completion of this course gives your team members the skills they need to act as a warden, fire warden or chief warden within your workplace’s emergency control organisation.

Participants in this course learn all aspects of working in and leading an emergency control organisation, as well as how to respond to a fire in the workplace using portable fire fighting equipment.

Duration: 1 day (8 hours)
Student/trainer ratio: 10:1

Qualifications for successful warden participants

Statement of attainment in:

PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation

Qualifications for successful fire warden participants

Statement of attainments in:

PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation

CPPFE2004 Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipmen

Qualifications for successful chief warden participants

Statement of attainments in:

PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation

Qualifications for successful combined warden participants

Statement of attainments in:

PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation

PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation

CPPFE2004 Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment

Fire warden hat.
Fire door sign.

Warden and evacuation management skill set FAQs

This course applies to all persons who may be reasonably required to extinguish a fire within the workplace, or act as a warden, fire warden or other role as part of an emergency control organisation.

This could include anyone from entry level team members through to senior management.

We recommend participants have at least Year 10 level reading and writing capabilities.

The warden course best suited to your situation, depends on your role within a workplace’s emergency control organisation.

The warden course is suited towards those responsible for the evacuation of a particular area of a workplace, and assisting in other emergency response tasks as needed by a chief warden.

Fire wardens are charged with responding to fires in the workplace with the use of first attack fire fighting equipment like fire extinguishers and blankets. They can also be responsible for ensuring that workplaces are safely evacuated in the event of a fire alarm being sounding.

Chief wardens have the responsibility to coordinate the workplace’s response to an emergency. They assist the organisation in developing their response plans, ensuring the wardens and fire wardens understand their roles and are drilled in their responsibilities.

The combined warden course is a comprehensive training package that combines all the units of competency from our warden, fire warden and chief warden courses. Completing this course enables participants to act in any role required of them within an emergency control organisation.


Having training undertaken at your workplace allows an RTO to contextualise your training to suit your specific needs. For example, your workplace’s actual evacuation routes can be used during practical exercises, and fire equipment training can focus on the types of portable fire fighting equipment found on site.

Start building a safety picture for your workplace

Download the free HSE height safety assessment toolkit and start your journey towards an increased understanding of your height safety risks and how they can be mitigated.