Temporary fall protection systems for solar system installers

Workers installing solar panels on a house under construction.

Installing a solar panel system on a roof is often a one-off job. Temporary safety systems can keep installers safe.

Outside of dedicated solar farms, and the odd semi-rural property, most solar panel systems are placed on the roofs of buildings. This means that workers installing these systems can be exposed to the risk of a fall from height.

As has been well documented over time, falls from height remain one of the most common mechanisms of workplace fatalities in Australia. And in recent years, the rates of fatal accidents have increased, not decreased.

With the proliferation of solar panel systems increasing at a seemingly exponential rate, it is more important than ever that workers have the tools and equipment they need to protect themselves against the risks of a fall.

Where is rooftop solar installed?

Rooftop solar panel systems are installed in two main areas. The first being residential systems that are being seen more and more, especially on new houses.

The second are larger, more commercial systems installed on the roofs of warehouses and other commercial roofs.

When it comes to roof design there are many different variations in shape, pitch and material. Each with their own unique contributions to risk.

Adding to the risk profile is the phase in a building’s construction when the solar panel system is installed. In many cases this is towards the end of the build. Scaffolding, temporary guardrail and other fall protection systems used by roofers to complete their work is often removed by then.

This means it is even more important that solar system installers have the equipment and know-how to setup and use a temporary safety system while completing their work.

Temporary roof access

The most common type of access used to get onto a roof is a portable ladder.

In many commercial applications, fixed ladder brackets are installed to provide a safe access point for workers to attach their ladder to for stability. These are not typically found on residential roofs, especially detached houses.

A portable ladder bracket can be used to provide the portable ladder with a stable attachment point for gaining access to the roof.

Along with providing a safe access point, a temporary ladder bracket can also protect the guttering and roof edge from accidental damage occurring should the ladder be knocked or otherwise move.

Other forms of temporary access can include plant like a scissor lift or EWP. Although these can also introduce additional risks to the worksite, especially when it comes to residential house construction.

An access system will only get you to the roof. Once a worker is there, they will need to utilise fall protection to make sure they remain safe through the duration of the installation work.

Temporary fall protection systems

There are a couple of different types of temporary fall protection system that can be utilised when completing solar panel installation on a rooftop. Each have their own strengths in different environments and when completing different types of work.

As with most things associated with workplace safety, there is never a single correct answer to look for. What is needed will depend on how the different variables that exist on a work site interact with each other.

Temporary guard rail systems are a good form of edge protection. As a form of protection that is closer to the top of the hierarchy of controls it is important that this is always considered ahead of any other.

In many situations, particularly relating to house construction, temporary guardrail is installed to provide protection while the roof is placed. When the solar panel installers arrive, it has often already been removed from site.

Should this have occurred, solar installers can deploy and use temporary fall protection anchors to the roof. These anchors, which function much like their permanent counterparts found in many commercial or industrial settings, can be easily installed into the roof.

Once a worker connects to the anchor point (using the appropriate equipment and PPE), they can work using fall restraint technique. Fall restraint technique is a method of connecting to and working with fall protection anchors that keeps the worker in a position where they are unable to reach a fall edge. This, then, mitigates the risks associated with a fall from height.

Rescue plans and equipment

Just having a temporary fall protection system installed when carrying out solar panel work is not enough. Accidents and falls from height can still occur – especially if a mistake is made while using fall restraint technique.

Should this happen, workers should have a rescue plan that can be actioned immediately. The site should also have available any rescue equipment that is specified in the rescue plan. It should be placed in a position where it can be accessed in a timely manner. Workers on site should also be trained in, and be competent and comfortable with, its use.

Workers suspended in a harness can very quickly find themselves suffering from the effects of suspension trauma. If they are not recovered from the suspended position quickly, suspension trauma can become fatal.

Height Safety Engineers can help

Height Safety Engineers are your partners in protecting people. Our team have been leading the way on fall protection and height safety for over 20 years.

Start your safety journey with us by calling 1300 884 978, emailing enquiries@heightsafety.net or filling out the form on this page.

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