Does my building need a height safety system?

Understanding what your building may need when it comes to working at heights can significantly improve your site's safety.

Falls from height happen far too often


Of all workplace incidents involve a slip, trip or fall of a person.


deaths directly resulting from a fall from height in 2023.

Height safety systems are vital for keeping people safe when working at heights and in high-risk environments. These systems should be designed and installed in accordance with a range of governing documents and legislation.

It can be very complex to wade through all aspects of height safety, especially for those who are not familiar with the topic.

In this guide, our experts take a look at a handful of topics that help to explain some of the key points around height safety systems across some common working at heights scenarios.

Subjects include:

  • What is a height safety system?
  • Who is responsible for ensuring a building has an adequate safety systemn?
  • What type of system might you need.
  • How to identify fall hazards.
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